Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia (department of fire, emergency rescue equipment and automotive industry, candidate)
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 614.76 Загрязнение почвы и воздуха
Major accidents at oil and gas industry enterprises related to soil contamination with petroleum products are considered. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it was determined that the existing methods for assessing the content of petroleum products in the soil have a number of significant limitations. Overcoming them requires the organization of a soil monitoring system, characterized by the possibility of rapid determination of pollutants and the allocation of clear boundaries of the permissible content of oil and petroleum products. The use of the arbitration method of infrared spectroscopy and the molecular luminescence method for estimating the content of petroleum products in the soil is experimentally justified. A correlation analysis was carried out between the measurement results obtained using the two presented methods. It was found that at low concentrations of petroleum products in soils, there is a linear dependence with a very high binding force, characterized by a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0,93. With relatively high values of the content of petroleum products in the soil and a significant spread of the experimental data obtained, it is advisable to use rank correlation. The use of the identified dependencies allows us to form a fairly complete picture of the situation in the study area associated with soil contamination with petroleum products, based on the results obtained using one of the presented screening methods. This greatly simplifies the procedure for assessing the state of the soil cover and creates prerequisites for reducing decision-making time and increasing the responsiveness to emerging emergencies.
oil spill, soil, emergency, correlation, power of correlation, rank, infrared spectroscopy, molecular luminescence, hydrocarbons
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