Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Fire protection of structures, as well as increasing the fire resistance of metal structures is an important task in reducing losses from fires. One common way to improve the fire resistance of a structure is to apply an intumescent flame retardant coating to the structure. Currently, expert practice has more often raised questions about establishing the presence or absence of fire protection on structures. The article considers the possibility of using the method of ion chromatography in order to determine the presence of fire-retardant components in the coating and determine the composition of the fire-retardant coating. The study was conducted on three flame retardant intumescent coatings with different binders. Two sample preparation methods were selected for the study: the study of directly aqueous solutions of intumescent coatings and the study of aqueous solutions of gases released during thermal destruction of coatings. Chromatograms of aqueous solutions of the tested coatings are given, indicating the presence of ions of fire-retardant components formed during hydrolysis. The results of the study showed that both methods have both advantages and disadvantages and can be used in preparation for analysis by ion chromatography to study flame retardant intumescent coatings.
ion chromatography, fire protection, intumescent coatings, metal structures, fire and technical expertise
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