Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Phenols are priority pollutants of the natural environment and enter water sources through wastewater treatment plants of industrial enterprises. They pose a certain threat to the human body, since many of them are highly toxic and belong to the first class of danger. Organochlorine derivatives of phenol exhibit particularly high toxicity; under conditions of water disinfection with chlorine-containing preparations, they can form polychlorinated dibenzo-n-dioxins, which are classified as super-ecotoxicants and have a negative effect on the genetic code of the human body. As a result of the studies, the surface waters of the Volga river basin of the Kuibyshev reservoir in the water area of the city of Kazan were analyzed for the content of phenol and its derivatives using gas-liquid chromatography. When analyzing phenols in the aquatic environment, it was established that the maximum permissible concentrations norms for ortho-, meta-, para- chlorophenols, which are characterized by high toxicity to the human body and wildlife, were exceeded. The dynamics of seasonal changes in the concentration of phenol and its derivatives in the surface waters of the Volga river has been established, which are associated with the intensification of redox processes in the summer, occurring under the influence of temperature factors involving dissolved oxygen.

phenols, priority contaminants, chromatography, sorbents, hydrogen bonds
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