Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the problems on organization of safety of the population and fire-fighters-rescuers as a result of forest fires in the Arctic zone. It is connected with the scale and long-distance spread of forests, as well as with the conditions of harsh climate. On the example of the Republics of Karelia and Yakutia the statistics of forest fires for the period of the last six years is given. On the basis of the analysis of statistics of forest fires and causes of their occurrence the recommendations on increase of safety of the population and fire-fighters-rescuers at carrying out of actions on localization and liquidation of forest fires are formulated. They are reduced to strengthening of grouping in regions of the Arctic zone, improvement and equipping with modern technical means of protection and specialized equipment adequate to climatic conditions of the region, means of emergency evacuation of rescuers from critically dangerous zones.

forest fire, total area of forest fires, integrated rescue center, firefighter-rescuer, unmanned aerial vehicle, mobile evacuation means of rescuers
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