Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of the article is modern fire extinguishing technologies based on compression foam. The purpose of the study is to study the means of obtaining and the prospects for using compression foam in fire fighting. Methods: analysis and synthesis, modeling. The results obtained indicate that compression foam has a number of advantages compared to water and conventional air-aspirated foam, so it can be used to extinguish fires in many industries and areas. A diagram of the production of compression foam is presented (the foam concentrate acts as a foaming agent) and a diagram of an autonomous installation for the production of compression foam. It is noted that one of the significant advantages of CAFS is the ability to create a finished product that matches a specific type of fuel or a specific situation. The characteristics of the SmartCAFS product have been defined. A typology of the use of compression foam depending on the type of incident is presented. The results of fire resistance tests of various foams are presented. It is concluded that fire suppression systems using compression foam have significant advantages, such as minimizing the spread of fire, the volume of water required to cover large areas, costs and placement, and the integration of CAFS with digital technologies.

foam, fire, compression, coating, flow, water, fuel, air
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