Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article raises questions concerning the problems of equipping units with parachute equipment that best meets the modern challenges facing the units of EMERCOM of Russia that have been left without proper attention for a long time. When analyzing the capabilities of human parachute systems, the following types of amphibious equipment were considered: human parachute systems, conditionally divided into groups according to purpose, capabilities, and required level of training. The division of parachute systems into types proposed in the article is designed to simplify and specify the choice of optimal parachute systems for performing jumps, including with cargo and passenger, when considering the possibility of adopting them for equipping units, taking into account the specifics of the work and needs. The given description and analysis of the characteristics of parachute systems of various types is designed to simplify the choice of the optimal variant of equipping units based on the specifics of the tasks being solved, the characteristics of personal equipment and equipment, climatic and geographical features of the area of responsibility, capabilities and level of training of personnel.

human parachute system, special purpose parachute systems, parachuting
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