Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the survey of the structure, speed of motor transport and measurements relevant for populated areas according to the World Health Organization scale, pollutants in the air of Saint-Petersburg (NO2, NO, CO, SO2, CH2O, CH4, Pb in the composition with compounds, C3H4O, C6H6 and C20H12), the sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the design safety of vehicle power plants, which are extremely important for the urban population, are substantiated. Measurements of pollutant concentrations and calculated forecasts according to original models show that by 2019–2023, through the greening of motor transport, it was possible to significantly improve the situation in the vicinity of busy highways of Saint-Petersburg. The scientific results of pollutant dispersion modeling, taking into account the specifics of the climate, are reflected in certified electronic products (programs), regional and national regulatory documents.

city, motor transport, hazardous/extreme air pollution, pollutant measurement, modeling
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