Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this study was to identify patterns of tendency in changes in the electrical resistivity of charred residues depending on the temperature and duration of the carbonization process in polymers, using the example of oriented chipboard, massively used in construction. OSB slabs are called materials of the future by experts in the field of construction, since their physical properties are superior to those of ordinary wood, as well as the cost of such slabs is lower than structural wooden elements. The study of carbonized residues of polymer materials by the resistive method refers to the methodology of instrumental studies of objects at the fire site. The obtained values of electrical resistance will help the fire technical expert (specialist) in the production of fire technical expertise to identify the places of the greatest and least thermal and temporary effects, which will further help him in establishing the source of the fire.

polymer materials, fire, resistive method, fire technical expert
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