Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article, the requirements for the development of an interdisciplinary methodology for internal cybercrime investigations are formulated. Based on the analysis of relevant works, as well as the problems of each area (technical and legal), requirements are being developed that take into account the shortcomings of existing approaches. The formed requirements will be used to develop an interdisciplinary methodology for internal cybercrime investigation in Russian organizations. The scientific novelty lies in the interdisciplinary approach that the authors are forming for the first time in the field of research. The practical novelty of the developed solution lies in the possibility of applying the results of the article in commercial and budgetary organizations of Russia for the development of internal documentation, building an effective investigation process, and analyzing existing approaches to investigating internal incidents for correctness from both a legal and technical perspective at the same time. This article is the first in a series of articles on the development of an investigation methodology.

information security, cyber-attack investigations, internal investigations, forensics
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