Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is to develop a model for quantifying the scale of possible consequences in the event of computer incidents at critical infrastructure facilities in the transport sector. Summery and analysis of the existing methodological support for organizing the work of a permanent commission of a subject of critical information infrastructure when categorizing objects of critical information infrastructure in the transport sector in the interests of the transition from qualitative to quantitative procedures for substantiating indicators of the category of significance. A parameterized evolutionary model of a critical information infrastructure object operating under conditions of computer attacks computer attacks has been trained. An approach to calculating the main indicators of the category of significance of a critical information infrastructure object in the field of transport is proposed. The results obtained make it possible to reasonably formulate technical requirements for the systems being created or modernized to ensure the security of significant objects of critical information infrastructure that manage the life support systems of transport sector objects. The main results are creation of a methodology for solving problems of quantitative justification for classifying information systems, automated control systems, information and telecommunication networks operating in the field of transport as significant objects of critical information infrastructure using a quantitative assessment of the predicted consequences for the life and health of drivers from computer incidents on supporting systems in tunnels for cars.

critical information infrastructure, critical information infrastructure object, categorization, methodology, model, assessment the possibilities of implementing threats, damage
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