Russian Federation
The article offers a generalizing view of the main components of sensory perception, such as sensory reality and sensory qualities, intentionality, and the primary synthesis of imagination. Special attention is paid to the interaction of sensory qualities, due to which there is a separation and a kind of articulation, or fixation, of the certainty of a sensory quality in its connection with other qualities. This example of the interaction of sensory channels of perception is very important for the formation of a three-dimensional image of reality and an exit from the surface of sensation to the spatial depth of action. The experience of living in time is no less important, since it is the flow of sensory phenomena and the synthesis of individual moments in the unity of a recognizable image that forms the eidetic level of perception necessary for orientation in the world, recognition of stable objects and the general order of perceived phenomena.
perception, sensory qualities, intentionality, imagination, phenomenon
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