TITLED FIREFIGHTERS OF RUSSIA: MINISTERS OF POLICE OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE (Alexander Dmitrievich Balashov; count Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the activities of the fire department as part of the police from 1810 to 1819, during the period when it was removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in connection with the organization of an independent Ministry of police of Russia. Brief genealogies and biographies of the ministers of the Ministry of police are presented. The ministers of police during this period were adjutant general Alexander Dmitrievich Balashov (1810–1812) and general of the infantry, count Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov (in some sources it is written as Vyazmetinov) (1812–1819). Their activities in other government positions for the benefit of the Fatherland are briefly described.

minister of police, fire department, chief police master, fire department, fire station, gendarmes of the internal guard, military settlement, fire tool
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