Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This work is devoted to assessing the risk of an accident of lifting structures during the construction of the bridge. The object of research in this work is a SENEBOGEN 7700 jib type crawler crane, the subject of the study is an accident risk assessment. After analyzing the accident statistics when using lifting structures, the main types of defects leading to an accident were identified. With the help of the «Tree of failures» method, the probabilities of the accident occurrence were found on the SENEBOGEN 7770 boom type crawler crane when moving the pile. Then, using the method of analysis of the types, consequences and criticality of failures (FMECA), the risk priority was assessed by conducting an expert survey to identify the most dangerous of the selected types of failures and to rank these defects according to the degree of criticality for the construction object and the person. After the ranking, measures were proposed in the work that will reduce the risk of an accident at the construction site.

risk assessment, industrial safety, lifting structures, FTA, FMECA

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