Currently, an important problem, both for society and for the economy of the country as a whole, remains the problem of the safety of water bodies, especially dams and other hydraulic structures. To date, there are more than 29 thousand hydraulic structures in the Russian Federation. The destruction of such facilities is of both defense, economic and social significance for the country, as well as a potential danger to the health and life of the population, as well as the entire natural environment. About 100 million people live in the zone of possible impact of damaging factors. Based on this, we can conclude that there is a need to minimize the probability of such events. Recently, the use of new innovative methods of monitoring hydraulic structures, including mathematical methods, has been intensively developing. In this paper, an analysis of approaches to modeling the occurrence, development and elimination of emergencies at hydraulic engineering facilities is carried out. Methods of mathematical modeling and forecasting of the situation in case of emergency situations at hydraulic engineering facilities are considered. The technology of situational modeling of natural and man-made emergencies is considered. The features of using various calculation methods to assess the consequences and dynamics of hazardous situations at hydraulic structures are shown
analysis, hydraulic engineering structure, methods, approaches, modeling, emergency situation, mathematical modeling, model
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