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Abstract (English):
The properties of the soil obtained by recycling sediment formed at water treatment plants during water treatment have been studied. A new vegetable-fertile mass of peat, river sand and sediment with the addition of cotton dust has been developed. The structure of the soil is resistant to the effects of adverse mechanical and physico-chemical natural factors, recommended for landscaping parks and lawns in urban environments, for filling landfills with municipal waste, for strengthening coastal and coastal areas of rivers and reservoirs, as well as in the production of fertile soils in horticultural and urban farms, when growing vegetable, berry and flower crops in greenhouses. Created and tested in real climatic conditions, the soil soil expands the range of fertile and nutritious mixtures, is based on the use of secondary and natural raw materials, is not difficult to prepare. The value of the total prevented environmental damage from land pollution by precipitation of water treatment exported to the municipal landfill is calculated.

water treatment, sediment, soil, peat, cotton dust, moisture, germination
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