Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of delivery and dumping of fire extinguishing agent into the fire source is considered. Different types of fire extinguishing agents and systems are analyzed. The most effective way seems to be extinguishing with a blast wave. The author conducts a patent search for systems using a blast wave to extinguish a fire. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are determined. So, the main disadvantages are: the inability to completely extinguish a fire in the riding area, the risk of severe damage to trees, the high cost, and the high technology of the solution. A technical solution is proposed that takes into account the disadvantages of existing systems. As a fire extinguishing system, it is proposed to create an effective shock wave in the riding zone of a forest fire, created using supplied fire suppression devices with filler and a dispersing explosive charge. The essence of the system, the principle of operation and the device operation scheme are described.

blast wave, extinguishing natural fires, extinguishing agent, fire extinguishing method, unmanned aerial vehicle
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