Russian Federation
The issues related to the legal aspects of fire safety are considered. It has been established that statistical data indicate an increase in the number of fires. It is noted that the established fact of arson is a significant cause of fires and tends to increase. The statistics of criminal casesfor the period 2022–2023 initiated under Art. 219 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation are presented. It is concluded that the priority task of ensuring fire safety is the assimilationand observance of the basic legal norms of fire safety by all participants in public relations.
fire safety, criminal responsibility, violation of fire safety rules, fire safety rules, Criminal code of the Russian Federation
1. About fire safety: Federal law dated 21 Dec. 1994. № 69-FL. Access fromthe «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
2. Technical regulations on fire safety requirements: Federal law dated 22 July 2008. № 123-FL. Access from the «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
3. About voluntary fire protection: Federal law dated 6 may 2011. № 100-FL. Access from the «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
4. On the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs union. «On the safety of pyrotechnic products»: decision of the Customs Union Commission dated 16 Aug. 2011. № 770. Access from the «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
5. On the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union «On the requirementsfor fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment»: Resolution of the council of the eurasian economic commission dated 23 June 2017. № 40. Access from the «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
6. On the procedure for conducting calculations on fire risk assessment: decreeof the Government of the Russian Federation dated 22 July 2020. № 1084. Access fromthe «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
7. On approval of the Rules for assessing the conformity of objects of protection (products) with Established Fire Safety Requirements through an independent assessment of Fire risk: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31 Aug. 2020. № 1325. Access fromthe «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
8. On approval of requirements for equipping protection facilities with automatic fire extinguishing systems, a fire alarm system, a warning system and evacuation control in case of fire: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 1 sent. 2021 g. № 1464. Access fromthe «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
9. On the approval of Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16 sent. 2020. № 1479. Access from the «ConsultantPlus» legal reference system.
10. VNIIPO statistics for 2023. Fires and fire safety. Statistics of fires and their consequences / V.S. Goncharenko [et al.]. Balashikha: The Research institute of fire protection of the EMERCOM of Russia, 2023. 80 c.
11. Penal records management // Judicial statistics of Russian Federation. URL: https://stat.api-press.rf/stats/ug/t/14/s/17 (date of reference: 01.10.2024).
12. Evdokimov A.A. Violation of special security rules in Russian criminal law:a monograph. M.: Prospect, 2012. 152 p.