Russian Federation
The features of search engines used to find information by keyword input in various information repositories including the Internet are reseached. Various search engines were investigated, including popular search engines Google and Yandex. The features of search engines are shown, including the main components and stages of information search related to the components of the search engine. The main types of search engines are considered in detail. Examples of practical implementation are provided for each type of search engine. The article focuses on the example of a search engine using fuzzy search. The advantages of fuzzy search in comparison with clear information search are given, in particular, taking into account such features of the query text as linguistic and semantic relationships, grammatical forms of query words, as well as possible errors and typos. For a fuzzy search engine implemented as a computer program, a flowchart of an algorithm for comparing a string with a query sample and a flowchart of information retrieval program interface events are presented.
search engine, fuzzy search engine, keywords, types of search engines, components of search engines, string comparison algorithm, computer program
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