Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The possibilities of using chromatographic methods in fire-technical expertise are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of thin-layer, high-performance liquid, gas-liquid and ion chromatography methods are presented. The use of linear retention indices and the «fingerprint» method in gas-liquid chromatography to establish the nature of organic residues of unknown origin and assign them to a specific class (type) of a flammable and combustible liquid by component composition is described in detail. Examples of the application of the method of gas-liquid and ion chromatography for the study of objects of various nature and the solution of identification problems in fire-technical expertise in the investigation of real fires are given. It is shown that the most popular methods for solving expert problems in the investigation of fires in order to study flammable and combustible liquids, special incendiary compositions and flame retardant wood are the methods of ion and gas-liquid chromatography.

chromatography, gas chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, ion chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, fire-technical expertise, research objects
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