Russian Federation
The objective of this study is to update the problems of the lack of effective methods for calculating economic damage resulting from accidental oil spills. The issue of creating new tools to stimulate environmental activities is considered. A comparative analysis of methods of both Russian and foreign origin was carried out, which allow, based on the assessment of the parameters and characteristics of harmful substances, to determine their quantitative indicators, as well as to calculate the economic damage from accidents of this type. The emphasis is placed on the factors that affect the amount of financial losses from oil spills. A statistical array of data on incidents in this area is considered. In addition, it is proposed to create a new methodology with elements of software modeling. The «PISCES II» software environment is considered, which allows to simulate the consequences of the impact of factors affecting the scale of oil spills, thereby increasing the efficiency of not only emergency rescue units, but also organizations responsible for the subsequent assessment of economic damage. Its comparison with the «OILMAP» environment is carried out.
economic damage, marine pollution, damage assessment, oil spill, maritime transport, pipeline, oil tanker, comparative analysis
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