Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the process of performing a morning hygienical gymnastics, and its impact on human health. Given the high loads associated with official activities of the staff of the Ministry, it is proposed, in order to improve the health and protect the health of emergency workers the methods of organization of classes, morning gymnastics, use of physical exercises, the use of tempering procedures. Recommendations on individual approach to the selection exercise for morning exercises taking into account the state of health of fitness of the organism biorhythms. Also, disclosed hygienic requirements to the organization of classes in morning exercises. The urgency of this work due to the fact that the author on the basis of deep analysis, provides detailed recommendations for proper organization and conduct of morning exercises, shows that well-written complex morning hygienic gymnastics improves mood, health, activity and human performance

methodological approaches, physical activity, fitness of the organism, organism's biorhythms, hygiene requirements, training procedures, health, personal approach
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