Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subsurface extinguishing method using the operative cut-in integrated device in the industrial pipeline tank with oil products for vertical steel tanks with a capacity of 500-5 000 tons, not equipped with fixed mounted foam wires was developed. The mathematical model and computer simulation method of the foam motion during subsurface extinguishing of tanks, which allows to investigate this process taking into account the actually existing drift of the extinguishing parameters and to predict extinguishing time, was developed. The method of selection of operating extinguishing parameters was developed. The values of operating extinguishing parameters, providing specified time indicators (criteria) of the extinguishing tank with a capacity of 2000 tons, filled with gasoline were defined.

tank, fire, air and mechanical fire-extinguishing foam, subsurface extinguishing method of oil and oil products, extinguishing time, mathematical model
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