Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Estimations of thermal and power loadings arising at ballistic delivery of the cargo container by the rocket dispersal block on emergency objects in hard - to-reach areas-in the Arctic zone, in the Far North, in mountains are resulted. Evaluation of loads was carried out using a computer system for modeling the movement of a cargo container on the active and passive parts of the trajectory, taking into account the parameters of the atmosphere. It is shown that most of the time the flight will take place at a supersonic (and even hypersonic) speed. At the same time, there are two maximum thermal loads (at the end of the active section of the trajectory and when entering the dense layers of the atmosphere on the passive section of the trajectory) and a maximum of overloads at the end of the active section of the trajectory. It is proved that depending on the total weight of the cargo container, it is possible to deliver goods urgently over long distances and thus provide the necessary assistance in the event of emergency at remote and inaccessible sites.

Arctic zone, emergency, transport, emergency delivery, mathematical modeling, ballistic product

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