The article researches reasons of large scaled forest fires with in the territory of Russia in summer 2010, the ability of governmental bodies to cope with fire situation. The article gives an efficiency appraisal of normative legal enactment regarding fire fighting, the role of aviation, Russian Ministry of Emergency and other bodies.
fire safety, normative legal enactment, fire situation, Russian Ministry of Emergency, forest fire
1. Ob ob'yavlenii chrezvychaynoy situacii, svyazannoy s obespecheniem pozharnoy bezopasnosti: Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 2 avg. 2010 g. № 966 // Ros. gaz. 2010. 4 avg.
2. URL: 3. Ros. gaz. 2010. 28 dek.
3. 4. Ros. gaz. 2010. 16 dek.