Features of functioning of separate links of system of treasury bodies on the basis of provisions of «Institutions for management of the All-Russian empire» are considered 1775.
treasurer, State chamber, income and expenses, reception and storage, institutions
1. Uchrezhdeniya dlya Upravleniya Guberniy Vserossiyskoy Imperii. Ch. 1 ot 7 noyab. 1775 g. // PSZ-1. T. 20. № 14 392. SPb., 1830.
2. Ustav o soli ot 16 iyunya 1781 g. // PSZ-1. T. 21. № 15 231. SPb., 1830.
3. Ustav o vine ot 17 sent. 1781 g. // PSZ-1. T. 21. № 15 174. SPb., 1830.
4. Ob utverzhdenii nastavleniya dlya proizvodstva del v Kazennyh palatah: Imennoy ukaz general-prokuroru ot 24 marta 1781 g. // PSZ-1. T. 21. № 15 141. SPb., 1830.
5. Uchrezhdeniya dlya Upravleniya Guberniy Vserossiyskoy Imperii. Ch. 2 ot 7 noyab. 1775 g. // PSZ-1. T. 21. № 14 960. SPb., 1830.