Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to changes in the system of state awards of the Russian Federation, carried out by the head of state in 2018. Considered three edicts of the President of the Russian Federation, which established new state awards and clarified the rules associated with a number of state awards of the country. Comparison of new Russian state awards with similar awards of the Soviet period. In the analysis of these regulatory legal acts, individual flaws and an ambiguous understanding of some provisions of these acts were revealed. The author has formulated proposals for eliminating the discovered deficiencies, and also proposed an option that allows to exclude the «right to use» in matters of state awards of the Russian Federation, that is, to legally secure the powers of the President of the Russian Federation to establish federal state awards of the country.

Constitution of Russian Federation, state awards of Russian Federation, federal state awards, insignia, honors, President of Russian Federation, amendments to the Constitution of Russian Federation

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