Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Approach to the solution of a task (model) of optimum distribution of limits of the budgetary obligations allocated for elimination of consequences of emergency situations during the fire-dangerous period between formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in conditions when deficiency of the specified budgetary obligations takes place is presented in article. The algorithm of realization of model of optimum distribution of limits of the budgetary obligations allocated for elimination of consequences of emergency situations during the fire-dangerous period between the formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations planned to application during the specified period which has universal character that will allow a wide range of officials of financial bodies to carry out optimum distribution of limited resources of financial means within the solution of problems of financing of activity of various structures of the ministry is offered. The computer program realizing this algorithm is developed.

divisions of EMERCOM of Russia, financing of divisions, mathematical model, optimum decision, algorithm of model

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