Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of the factors influencing the mastering of the material by the students is carried out. The criteria and necessary stages of preparation of lecturers for conducting lecture classes for improving pedagogical skills are presented, as well as examples of the structure and procedure for conducting classes. Pedagogical primes of conducting lecture classes are shown.

pedagogical skill, lecturer, lecture, listeners, teacher, lecture

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2. Minakov A.P. O tvorcheskom metode v prepodavanii // Vestnik vysshey shkoly. 1946. № 5-6. S. 22.

3. Lobzha M.T., Nikolovskaya N.A. Formy, metody i sredstva provedeniya professional'noy podgotovki sotrudnikov voenizirovannyh gornospasatel'nyh chastey MChS Rossii // Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy bezopasnosti cheloveka i obschestva. 2016. № 1 (30). S. 54-60.

4. Stenogramma lekcii po metodike prepodavaniya mehaniki, prochitannoy A.P. Minakovym 5 yanvarya 1935 g. M.: Arhiv MGU. F. 0/K. D. 85. References

5. Makarenko A.S. Sobr. soch. v 7 t. T. V. M., 1958. S. 148.

6. Minakov A.P. O tvorcheskom metode v prepodavanii // Vestnik vysshej shkoly. 1946. № 5-6. S. 22.

7. Lobzha M.T., Nikolovskaya N.A. Formy, metody i sredstva provedeniya professional'noj podgotovki sotrudnikov voenizirovannyh gornospasatel'nyh chastej MCHS Rossii // Psihologo-pedagogicheskie problemy bezopasnosti cheloveka i obshchestva. 2016. № 1 (30). S. 54-60.

8. Stenogramma lekcii po metodike prepodavaniya mekhaniki, prochitannoj A.P. Minakovym 5 yanvarya 1935 g. M.: Arhiv MGU. F. 0/K. D. 85.

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