Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of publications of the XIX century prominent medical specialists dealing with the issues that cover such areas as forensic medicine, medical police and «medical jurisprudence», as well as regulatory legal acts that regulate these issues is made. It has been shown that the issue of legal training of doctors was given considerable attention throughout the XIX century. The ideas of health care professionals, published in their works, the importance of legal knowledge for medical officials in the civil service, and the need to systematize the legal information that provides the day-to-day activities of doctors, were fixed in various regulatory legal acts of the Russian Empire.

legal training, forensic medicine, medical police, medical jurisprudence, medical professionals

1. Petrov E. Sobranie rossiyskih zakonov o medicinskom upravlenii. SPb.: V' Tipografii Pravitel'stvuyuschago Senata, 1826. 649 s.

2. Nikitin A. Rukovodstvo k sudebnoy medicine, sostavlennoe Adol'fom Genke: perevod s pyatogo umnozhennogo i ispravlennogo izdaniya na Russkiy yazyk. SPb.: V' Tipografii Shtaba Otdel'nago Korpusa Vnutrenney Strazhi, 1828. 607 s.

3. Gromov S. Kratkoe izlozhenie sudebnoy mediciny dlya akademicheskogo i prakticheskogo upotrebleniya. SPb.: V' Tipografii Shtaba Otdel'nago Korpusa Vnutrenney Strazhi, 1832. 556 s.

4. Programmy sudebnoy mediciny i medicinskoy policii ordinarnogo professora Armfel'da. M.: Arhiv MGU, Medicinskiy fakul'tet, 1848. D. 119.

5. Medvedev P.N. Kto est' kto v sudebnoy medicine. URL: http://www.forens-med.ru/pers.php?id=1011. (data obrascheniya: 29.01.2018).

6. Geling K.K. Opyt grazhdanskoy medicinskoy policii, primenennyy k zakonam Rossiyskoy Imperii. Vil'na: V' Tipografii Magcinovskago, 1842. T. 1. 595 s.

7. Markus L.M. Kratkoe rukovodstvo dlya vrachey k poznaniyu rossiyskih zakonov uchrezhdeniy i gosudarstvennoy sluzhby. SPb.: V' Tipografii V' Tipografii Eduarda Praca, 1843. 198 s.

8. Svod Zakonov Rossiyskoy Imperii. 1857. T. HSh.

9. Voyno I.K. Sbornik zakonov pravil nastavleniy i rasporyazheniy pravitel'stva dlya vrachey, farmacevtov, veterinarov i prochih medicinskih chinov. Kiev: V' Tipografii E.Ya. Fedorova, 1871. 583 s.

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