Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the view of history as a text. The article reveals the content of the Meta-text history as texts of three types: texts of artistic (literary) history; text of scientific (evidentiary) and texts of probabilistic (alternative) history. The interrelation of the researcher's personality and variants of the Meta-text history is shown. Alternative history is presented as a way of actualization of the past, accumulation of retrospective angles for the analysis of the present and determination of the loci of the future contained in it. The role of the historical narrative is growing today, and in the context of the promotion of the strategic culture of the Western Anglo-Saxon civilization becomes one of the factors of socialization, preservation of national identity and national security.

», story, narrative, as a piece of writing history, types of text, artistic, academic, probabilistic, alternative history, history of the fork, verification, «current reality»

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