Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the authors' research on the substantiation of the structural and functional model of physical training management at EMERCOM universities of Russia are presented. This model reveals the content of technology of management of physical training of cadets in the universities of EMERCOM of Russia, functions, means, forms and methods of management, as well as the process of their training. In the course of the pedagogical experiment, the high efficiency of the developed structural and functional model of physical training management of the personnel of the cadet units on the basis of the basic-differentiated method of management was proved.

structural-functional model, cadet unit, management of physical training, basic differential method, universities of EMERCOM of Russia

1. Bolotin A.E. Trebovaniya, pred'yavlyaemye k professional'noy podgotovlennosti specialistov po zaschite v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2013. № 6 (100). S. 15-21.

2. Vasil'eva V.S. Pedagogicheskaya model' professional'noy podgotovki specialistov po zaschite v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah v vuze s ispol'zovaniem sluzhebnoy deyatel'nosti v dobrovol'nyh pozharnyh komandah // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2013. № 2 (96). S. 14-19.

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