Transport systems of the N.S. Solomenko institute of transport problems of the Russian academy of sciences (Laboratory of safety problems of transport systems, head of the laboratory)
Russian Federation
The problems of constructing mathematical models of noise immunity functions of logic circuits on binary logic based on the results of their testing are considered. It is shown that mathematical models of noise immunity functions can be built on algebraic models of logic circuits. A polynomial expression is given to estimate the probability of correctness (noise immunity)of the output signal of the scheme on binary logic with possible wrong task or noise of the input signals.Formulated and proved the theorem on the oneness of the sum of coefficients in polynomial expression relating the probability of correctness of the output signal of the logical framework with the probability of correctness input signals.The corresponding mathematical expressions and examples applied to two - and three-input logic circuits are given.
control systems, logic circuits, mathematical models, noise immunity, regression analysis
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