Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The place of a laboratory practical work in out-of-class independent work of the fire technical colleges studying in relation to specifics of educational process is shown. Requirements to similar virtual laboratory are formulated. The scheme of virtual laboratory installation is developed and the model of a virtual experiment on measurement of degree of blackness is created. Contradictions between requirements to professional competence of students and opportunities of traditional model of a laboratory practical work are formulated. The natural and virtual model of a laboratory practical work providing carrying out of his virtual phase for the out-of-class period of independent work of students is presented. The way of expansion of access for students to information methodically ensuring out-of-class independent work due to use of potential of modern devices is offered. The function chart of virtual «smart laboratory», working under control of Android OS is created. The option of realization of virtual heatphysical smart laboratory on the basis of use of the spreadsheet MS Excel at connection of macroes of Visual Basic is shown.

professional competence, laboratory practical work, laboratory work, independent work, natural experiment, virtual experiment, laboratory practical work, operating system, smartphone, spreadsheet
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