Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work analyzes scientific and technical literature and open commercial information on methods and instruments for assessing the performance of smoke fire detectors. It has been revealed that the use of special aerosol smoke simulators for the purpose of comprehensive testing of smoke fire detectors is associated with the danger of exceeding the optical density of smoke, which significantly complicates evacuation. As a new solution, the use of portable smoke generators «Kiparis» (St and 0,6St) is proposed, capable of generating a flow of smoke, the optical properties of which are similar to the smoke from the combustion of test fires TP-1, TP-2, TP-3 and TP-4. Mathematical modeling of the combustion of a test fire TP-1 (open burning of wood) in accordance with GOST 34698–2020 «Fire detectors. General technical requirements. Test methods» has been conducted. During the model experiment, it was shown that the portable smoke generator «Kiparis» is capable of generating smoke with an optical density comparable to that of smoke from the combustion of test fires, which is a practical justification for using the smoke generator «Kiparis» instead of test fires.

fires, fire alarm, smoke detector, test fire sources
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