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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to develop a system for scoring the contributions of various technical and organizational measures to the magnitude of the risk of an accident based on existing approaches to the fire risk assessment at hazardous production facilities. To achieve the goal of the study and the formation of a score in cooperation with the organization operating the storage tanks of substances under pressure, a number of influencing factors were obtained. The following methods were applied in the work: analysis of hierarchies, comparison, analogy, study of documents and results of activities. The result of the work is the developed scoring system with groups of factors influencing the probability of an emergency and the resulting weight coefficients of the groups and the factors themselves. A method for point-factor estimation of the frequency of events initiating fire hazardous situations for underground liquefied petroleum gas tanks operated at gas filling stations is proposed. The results obtained can be used in assessing the fire risk for facilities where accidents can occur associated with the formation of an explosive and fire hazardous situation.

reservoir, accident, probability, liquefied petroleum gas, fire risk
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