Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The conceptual concept and types of interaction of international legal regulators on the prevention and liquidation of emergency and crisis situations are formulated The role of generally recognized principles of international law in ensuring international cooperation in the prevention of emergencies and crisis situations has been established. International cooperation in this area is based on and implemented through universal, regional international legal mechanisms, as well as bilateral treaties. The role of the United Nations in the normative, programmatic and expert support of cooperation between states on disaster risk reduction, as well as universal international organizations and conferences in the development of international legal regulators for countering emergency and crisis situations is considered. The analysis of the activities of international regional organizations on the international legal provision of emergency prevention, including in the arctic region, is carried out. In conclusion, it is concluded that there is an insufficient level of coherence and integrity of the international legal regulation of the prevention and liquidation of emergency and crisis situations.

emergency and crisis situations, disasters, generally recognized principles of international law, mechanisms of international legal regulation, the United Nations, levels of international cooperation: universal regional, bilateral
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