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Abstract (English):
Modernity is characterized by comprehensive digitalization, leading to an increase in the number of software products, an integral part of which are graphical user interfaces, which act as an intermediary between users and software algorithms, allowing them to comfortably and efficiently perform the required tasks. Most modern software products have low-efficiency interfaces, which leads to a decrease in the performance of users and an increase in intrapsychological stress on them. In order to improve the efficiency of interfaces, this article describes the formulation of the problem of developing a set of algorithms for optimal design and evaluation of the effectiveness of the visual component of graphical user interfaces. To develop a set of algorithms, this article presents a range of proprietary indicators for each of the areas, as well as an analysis of existing quantitative methods for assessing the effectiveness of interfaces for the possibility of using them to calculate the indicators mentioned above. It is concluded that existing approaches are capable of providing a formalized representation of only part of the author’s indicators. The planned set of algorithms, after implementation, will hypothetically allow for a comprehensive assessment of interfaces, as well as finding defects in them that reduce their effectiveness, which, if eliminated, will improve the quality of both interfaces and programs in general, increasing the performance and comfort of interaction with user programs.

a set of algorithms, graphical user interface, performance indicators, evaluation
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