St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The software architecture of the automated system for the exchange of documentary information proposed in the article and the associated of the automated system for the exchange of documentary information system architecture will provide the technical possibility of «conflict-free» functioning of communication nodes of control points of the system, combining management bodies, forces and means of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations whose powers It includes solving issues related to the protection of the population and territories (water areas) from emergency situations. The software complexes being formed and the proposed standard architectural solution will provide the opportunity to build an of the automated system for the exchange of documentary information and the formation of an information and address space based on it on the existing technical means of the operated systems and complexes of documentary communication of communication nodes, using automated workplaces of officials automated control systems, control points of the studied unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.
information and address space, automated system for the exchange of documentary information, automated workplaces of officials, emergency (crisis) situations, infotelecommunication systems, standard architectural solution, software product, automated network of documentary exchange
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