Russian Federation
Russian Federation
To date, safety measures for storage of hydrogen in liquefied or gaseous state, requirements to storage rooms of this substance, necessary equipment to be installed in such rooms are incompletely studied. At small hydrogen leaks there is an explosion and fire hazard consisting in formation of explosive clouds for a long period of time, in some cases the formation of local clouds of explosive hydrogen-air mixtures automatic gas analyzers cannot fix. The purpose of this work is to determine the optimal height of the gas analyzer in a relatively airtight, unventilated room in which technological equipment for the production of hydrogen-containing gas is located and its small leaks are possible. The model experiment on measuring the concentration of hydrogen-containing mixture at different heights above the leakage place was carried out. A method of determining the optimal height of the gas analyzer above the leakage site was developed. The data on changes in the concentration of hydrogen-containing mixture at different heights above the leakage site were obtained. The optimum height of the gas analyzer location at small leaks of hydrogen-containing gas and technological equipment is revealed.
hydrogen, hydrogen-containing gas, gas analyzer, concentration, optimum height of location, small leaks
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