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Abstract (English):
The key features of the modified form of implementation of supervisory activities by state fire supervision authorities are considered, related both to the exclusion from the plan of carrying out planned control (supervisory) activities in relation to objects of protection with an assigned risk category below «high», and with the fact that in order to carry out unscheduled control (supervisory) activities, a reasoned and justified decision of the supervisory authority is required, supported by the occurrence of one of the grounds in the list established by clause 3, part (a) of the Government Resolution Russian Federation «On the features of the organization and implementation of state control». The problem of the increase in the number of fires is touched upon at protection facilities of a significant risk category. It has been stated that only subject to an integrated approach to compliance with the procedure and rules for certification of specialists, as well as effective control and supervision by the competent authorities, together with the introduction of a number of specific liability measures, can positive results in the field of fire safety be expected. It is concluded that the principles of the modern approach to ensure fire safety are based on strengthening the institution of responsibility on the part of persons carrying out commercial activities in this area.

fire supervision, changes in supervision, fire prevention, fire safety, control and supervisory activities
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1. About fire safety: Federal. Russian law Federation from December 21. 1994 № 69-FZ (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

2. On approval of the Program for the prevention of risks of harm (damage) to legally protected values in the field of fire safety during the implementation of federal state fire supervision by state fire supervision bodies for 2024: order of EMERCOM of Russia dated December 20, 2023 № 1076. Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

3. On approval of the Program for the prevention of risks of harm (damage) to legally protected values in the field of fire safety during the implementation of federal state fire supervision by state fire supervision bodies for 2023: order of EMERCOM of Russia dated December 7, 2022 № 1345. Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

4. On the features of the organization and implementation of state control (supervision), municipal control: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation dated March 10, 2022 № 336 (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

5. Fire safety. Risk limit // RUBEZH. № 5 (50). URL: (access date: 12.03.2024).

6. On approval of the list of risk indicators of violation of mandatory requirements when implementing federal state fire supervision: Order of EMERCOM of Russia dated June 7, 2021 № 364 (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

7. Kuzmina T.A., Marchenko M.A. On the issue of ensuring fire safety of protection objects // Scientific-analyst. magazine «Bulletin of Saint-Petersburg university of the State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia ». 2023. № 3. P. 11–18. DOI:

8. On approval of the Regulations for work in the information system «Automated analytical system for support and management of control and supervisory bodies of of EMERCOM of Russia »: order of EMERCOM of Russia dated November 2, 2023 № 1148. Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

9. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: dated June 13. 1996 № 63-FZ (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

10. On the certification of officials carrying out activities in the field of fire risk assessment: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation from November 29, 2021 № 2081. Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

11. On the procedure for certifying individuals for the right to design fire safety means for buildings and structures that have been put into operation: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation from November 30, 2021 № 2106 (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

12. On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: Feder. law Russian Federation from September 24, 2022 № 370-FZ. Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

13. On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation: Feder. law Russian Federation dated July 31, 2020 № 248-FZ (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

14. On federal state fire supervision: Decree of the Government of Russia. Federation from April 12, 2012 № 290 (as amended and supplemented). Access from the information and legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

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