Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper analyzes and summarizes data on the emission rates of pollutants by motorcycles and mopeds equipped with internal combustion engines. As a result, it was found that 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines not equipped with an exhaust gas neutralizer demonstrate emissions rates of CO varying in the range of 6,6–32,8 g/km, CH – 0,62–19,26 g/km, NOX – 0,010–0,38 g/km; 2-stroke and 4-strokestroke engines equipped with a catalytic converter, demonstrate emission rates of CO ranging from 0,68 to 12,21 g/km; CH – from 0,10 to 4,06 g/km; NOX – from 0,10 to 0,28 g/km. The results obtained will be used to improve the method for forecasting hazards caused by vehicle emissions.

technospheric hazards, two-wheeled motorized vehicles, pollutants, emission rates, monitoring and forecasting
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