Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main regulatory legal documents in the field of fire safety at trade facilities have been studied due to the presence of large groups of people of various mobility groups at these facilities. The importance and correlation of various levels of legal acts, ranging from international agreements to local regulations, in ensuring effective measures of prevention and protection against fires is studied. The study takes into account the specifics of the aforementioned facilities, which indicates the importance of these regulatory acts in addressing all kinds of issues related to preventing emergencies and fires.

hierarchy, regulatory legal documents, fire safety, international agreements, national legislation, regional and local regulations, codes, standards, instructions, regulatory documents, local orders, directives
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2. About fire safety: Federal law of Russian Federation of 21 dec. 1994. № 69-FL. Access from informative-legal portal «ConsultantPlus».

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5. Evacuation and behavior of people during fires: a textbook / V.V. Holshchevnikov [et al.]. M.: Academy of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia, 2015. 262 p.

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8. On State control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation: Federal law of the Russian Federation of 31 July 2020. № 248-FL. Access from informative-legal portal «ConsultantPlus»

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