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Abstract (English):
The need for an independent, sovereign existence of any country requires special attention to national security issues. The current state of mankind is characterized by a symbiosis of technology and nature, the use of various technologies, which are accompanied by the emergence of new threats and technosphere hazards, which actualizes the problem of understanding the concept of «national security». These circumstances required generalization and concretization of concepts used in the field of security at the system level. In the study of the issues under consideration, systematic, historical-retrospective, and cybernetic approaches were chosen as a methodological basis. The evolution of the human habitat is considered, the importance of the problem of ensuring technosphere safety is determined, due to the contribution of technosphere funds and technologies to maintaining the management processes of critical infrastructure facilities (potentially dangerous objects) of the state, as well as the catastrophic consequences of accidents at such facilities. A concept is proposed describing the national security system of the state as an organizational and technical management (socio-cyberphysical) system that allows integrating efforts to ensure various types of national security into a single complex.

security, noosphere, technosphere, technosphere security, national security, national security system
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