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Abstract (English):
A method is proposed for evaluating the functional characteristics of fire automation systems of apartment buildings based on the use of an electronic database, providing input, storage, structuring, presentation and processing of data characterizing the ability of fire automation systems and their individual elements to perform the required functions. The analysis of data on the operability of fire automation systems in operation beyond their service life in multi-apartment residential buildings in Saint-Petersburg, according to various differentiated characteristics, in order to determine their ability to perform specific functions, as well as the reasons for their failure. The necessity of evaluating the effectiveness of fire protection systems of apartment buildings is substantiated, taking into account the results of the study of functional characteristics at various stages of their life cycle, the task of forming a unified information database on the operability of fire protection systems of apartment buildings in Saint-Petersburg and its subsequent integration with the state information system «Monitoring the technical condition of apartment buildings in Saint-Petersburg».

fire protection system, fire automation system, fire alarm system, apartment building, electronic database
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