Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the analysis of the equipment of fire and rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Vladimir region with personal respiratory and visual protection equipment for firefighters. The statistics of their failures are presented, as well as the process of determining the most unreliable elements of the personal respiratory and visual protection equipment for firefighters, as well as an analysis of the causes of failures. It was determined that the main reasons for the failures of the personal respiratory and visual protection equipment for firefighters are a decrease in the reliability of the functional elements of the pulmonary automaton: a violation of the tightness of the housing, incomplete switching on/off of the additional air supply button (bypass) due to mechanical action on the actuator (springs, membranes), a change in the shape and chemical composition of plastic elements. It is shown that a significant number of negative factors affect the reliability of the personal respiratory and visual protection equipment for firefighters. The results of the study will be useful for both responding fire and rescue units and manufacturers of personal respiratory and visual protection equipment for firefighters in terms of forecasting and monitoring the reliability of their elements. In practice, this will increase the safety and efficiency of fire protection units in an inhospitable environment.

personal protective equipment for respiratory and visual organs, breathing apparatus, fire and rescue garrison, fire and rescue units, analysis, review, reliability, failure
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