Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
A brief pedigree and biography of prince Kochubey Viktor Pavlovich is given. His role in the creation and improvement of the structure of the police and professional fire protection of Russia as the first minister of internal affairs of the Russian Empire (1802–1807, 1819–1823) is shown. The activities of prince Kochubey Viktor Pavlovich in other government positions for the benefit of the Fatherland are briefly described.
prince, Ministry of internal affairs, minister, professional fire protection, fire brigade, metropolitan police, Saint-Petersburg journal
1. Geral' URL: (data obrashcheniya: 11.05.2024).
2. Bol'shaya i obshchaya gerbovaya kniga Zibmahera. Ch. 3: Vysshee dvoryanstvo (evropejskie knyazheskie rody, ne prinadlezhashchie k rimsko-imperskomu ili nemecko-federal'nomu knyazheskomu rodu). 1894. T. 1. Otd. 3.
3. Pozharno-spasatel'naya istoricheskaya enciklopediya / E.N. Chizhikov [i dr.]. SPb., 2018. T. ӀӀ.
4. Kochubei. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.03.2024).
5. Sankt-Peterburgskaya stolichnaya policiya i gradonachal'stvo: kratkij istoricheskij ocherk / V.E. Frish [i dr.]. SPb., 1903.
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7. Borodin D.N. Sankt-Peterburgskaya pozharnaya komanda. 100-letie Narvskoj chasti. SPb., 1911.
8. 27 yanvarya – Den' pechati MVD Rossii. URL: https://mvd.rf/news/item/22773835/?ysclid=ltvc1aua9r604755430 (data obrashcheniya: 03.04.2024).
9. Kochubej Viktor Pavlovich. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.04.2024).
10. Shchablov N.N., Vinogradov V.N., Bessonov V.P. Pozharnoe delo v Rossii. SPb., 2007.