Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The features of the manifestation of social intelligence of adjuncts and cadets during their studies at the Saint-Petersburg university of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia are considered. The ability to understand the behavior, actions of students, their logic and adequacy, interrelationships and interdependence of social contacts was evaluated. The main means of solving the task set for the authors was the methodology of Joy P. Guilford, designed to help assess the level of social intelligence of two categories of university students – adjuncts and cadets. The authors managed to carry out a comparative analysis of the behavior of employees, their ability to recognize different meanings of phrases, understanding the logic of the emergence and development of socio-psychological contradictions and reactions to nonverbal expression. The specific features of the ways of expressing the sense of «WE» are associated with the aggravation of the processes of group identification and reference are indicated. The practical significance of the results obtained for cadets, adjuncts studying at the Faculty of training highly qualified personnel, scientific and pedagogical staff and heads of structural divisions of EMERCOM of Russia is substantiated.

methodology, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, social intelligence, postgraduate students, cadets
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