Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article considers legal incentives in the field of remuneration (monetary allowance) of firefighters and rescuers of the Arctic group of EMERCOM of Russia, in order to identify the existing problems of regulation. The study systematized the guarantees and compensations provided for by the legislation in the designated area, conducted a comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the relations under consideration for various categories of employees (employees) of EMERCOM of Russia in terms of modern goals and objectives of state policy in the Arctic, taking into account differentiation by territories of the Arctic zone. Some differences have been established in the procedure for applying a percentage supplement to the wages (monetary allowance) of rescuers and firefighters, which are not due to the peculiarities of the legal status of these entities, but are a consequence of the fragmentation of legal regulation. A number of proposals have been formulated to improve the applicable legislation.
legal regulation, legislation, guarantees, compensation, labour compensation, district coefficient, percentage markup, firefighters, rescuers, the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, regions of the Far North.
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