Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article on the basis of the analysis of growth of emergency chemically hazardous substances production and its delivery to terminals by road transport in Russia the question of specification of configuration and geometrical parameters of spillage area at depressurization of tanks with emergency chemically hazardous substances transported by road transport, which at forecasting of consequences of such accidents influence the depth of secondary cloud of chemical contamination and the value of time of striking action, is considered. The approach to determination of geometrical parameters of the area of chlorine and ammonia emergency chemically hazardous substances spillage taking into account the slope of the terrain is developed. Calculations of geometric parameters of chlorine and ammonia spill area are given, as a result of which it was found that the area value and spill height change significantly with the terrain slope on the route. Justifications of exclusion of possibility of operative localization of the accident by means of setting of water cut-off curtain in connection with greater time consumption for arrival to the area of accident and deployment of forces and means of subdivisions of State fire service of EMERCOM of Russia are given. The problem of ensuring safety of population and liquidation of consequences in case of accidents of motor transport with emergency chemically hazardous substances on routes of its movement in settlements in case of transportation in small quantities is considered.

accidentally chemically hazardous substance, area of chemically hazardous substance spillage, height of chemically hazardous substance spillage, time of striking effect (vaporization), slope of terrain
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