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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the use of neural networks and fuzzy cognitive maps to analyze information security risks at critical information infrastructure facilities. The authors explore the possibilities of using these methods to assess and predict potential risks, and also consider approaches to adapting these technologies to specific conditions and safety requirements. In the course of the study, the methodology of cognitive modeling was used as a basic one. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed methods, as well as their applicability in real-world operating conditions of information systems. The results of the work include a study of an information security risk assessment model based on neural networks and fuzzy cognitive maps, as well as recommendations on the use of this model to increase the level of security of critical information infrastructure facilities. The practical significance of this study lies in a more accurate assessment of risks and, as a result, taking the most rational steps to reduce them.

information security, critical information infrastructure, information security risks, information security threats, neural network, cognitive maps
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